What parenting books are best to help you navigate school and All Things Social with your kids? How can you help navigate your kids’ emotions? Is there a way to figure out your children’s personality types and love language so you can parent them better?
Y’all, I’m not a fan of parenting books because they make me feel inadequate and seem only to add to my list of “shoulds.” But sweet friend, there are some really helpful, God-centered, thoughtful, gracious parenting books for Christian parents out there. For each book, I added “This Enneagram Type Will Especially Love This Book” heading. Please know that every book is awesome for every type, but some books will appeal more strongly to certain types.
Let’s get real here: no matter how many parenting books we read (or don’t!), we’ll never parent perfectly. This should be a freeing truth! God fills in any gaps in our parenting. Let’s be moms who always turn to Him. May we never give up on our child because it’s never too late to build relationships. God is our Heavenly Father, and He’s our ultimate parenting resource.
You could win one of these parenting books by commenting below by Friday, 9/27/19 by 9 p.m. CST just by telling me which one of these books you’d most like to read!
The FCC requires that I tell you that I’m an Amazon Affiliate, which means I earn a bit of commission on each sale. But don’t worry there’s no added cost to you! Also, all the “About” descriptions are taken from Amazon.
Happy reading sweet friend! Here are my favorites, divided into three categories:
Parenting Books to Help Moms Navigate School and Social
TALK by Mandy Majors
What it’s about: “In “TALK,” Mandy Majors shares the ups and downs of her cyber-parenting journey and the game-changing discovery that transformed her approach to parenting… Parenting has undergone a seismic shift in the twenty-first century, forcing us to address issues that previous generations of parents never encountered. But amazing things happen when parents and kids begin to talk. From social media to cyber-strangers, cyberbullying to suicide, pornography to transgender, no topic is off-limits.”
Is this book for you? If you have school-aged kids, you want this book in your hands. It gives practical strategies on how to talk about issues your kids are facing in real-time. It also gives examples of how open and honest conversations can look in real life.
Why you’ll love it: When you feel like your default is fear and you have a desire to live “off the grid,” you need to read this book. Y’all, I got so tired of living in fear about phones, social media, and the internet, I had to do something. If you need guidance about how to parent in an era of technology and language to use through sticky issues, buy this book today.
This Enneagram Type Will Especially Love This Book: Eights
Quote to love: “If I’m not struggling as a parent, I know I’m probably missing something. Or I’m complacent. We don’t grow by taking the easy way. Growth happens in the middle of the storm — when we rely on God’s strength and not our own.”
Little Girls Can Be Mean by Michelle Anthony and Reyna Lindert
What it’s about: “As experts in developmental psychology and each a mother of three, Dr. Michelle Anthony and Dr. Reyna Lindert began noticing an alarming pattern of social struggle among girls as young as five, including their own daughters. In today’s world, it is likely that your daughter has been faced with bullying and friendship issues, too—and perhaps you’re at a loss for how to guide her through these situations effectively. Little Girls Can Be Mean …. gives you the tools you need to help your daughter become stronger, happier, and better able to enjoy her friendships at school and beyond.”
Is this book for you? If you parent a daughter between kindergarten and sixth grade, yes, this book is for you. Anthony and Lindert lay out a four-step plan so you can establish a two-way relationship with your daughter so you can “face social struggles as a team.” What girl mom doesn’t want that? (Please note that this book is written by secular authors and is not Bible-based.)
Why you’ll love it: The authors lay out the strategy to help you and your daughter navigate issues like bullying, fitting in, “yo-yo friendships” and popularity by sharing real situations. The book is designed to help us prevent and respond to difficult situations our girls will face.
This Enneagram Type Will Especially Love This Book: Eights, Nines, Ones, Fours
Quote to love: “While it might be nice to think you can spare your child from life’s struggles, you serve her better when you prepare her.”
The Parent Backpack by ML Nichols
What it’s about: “How do you ensure your child gets the best education possible when U.S. schools have become overburdened, test-driven institutions that rank only average worldwide? Decades of research confirm that when parents engage with their children’s learning, kids do better in school—and life.”
Is this book for you? This book is written solely for moms and dads with kindergarteners through fifth graders. I bought this before our older daughter started kinder because I wanted to understand how to be involved, what questions to ask at a parent-teacher conference, and how to communicate without coming across as a hovering jerk.
Why you’ll love it: The book is broken down into three sections: (1) your child’s education journey, including the social, emotional, and academic parts of school, (2) typical milestones your child will reach, and (3) how to identify your child’s learning style. If you want to know about your child’s development in school and how to help your child become a successful student, this is the book for you.
This Enneagram Type Will Especially Love This Book: Ones, Threes, Fives, Sixes
Quote to love: “You’re an expert on your child; your child’s teacher is the grade level-expert.”
Parenting Books to Help Moms Navigate Feelings, Faith, and Friendship
Mama Bear Apologetics edited by Hillary Morgan Ferrer
What it’s about: “This mom-to-mom guide will equip you to teach your kids how to form their own biblical beliefs about what is true and what is false. Through transparent life stories and clear, practical applications—including prayer strategies—this band of Mama Bears offers you tools to train yourself, so you can turn around and train your kids.”
Is this book for you? If your child follows Christ, he’ll be challenged about his Christian beliefs at school, at work, and on the soccer field. Does your child know why she believes what she believes? Do you know why you believe what you believe? If you’re unsure, pick up this book right now as mom-authors dive into what our culture is telling our kids about life and faith so you can prepare them (and yourself) to give an account for what you believe.
Why you’ll love it: We don’t need to fear our culture and the lies it tells us. We need to love the people in it and be prepared to defend what we believe with grace and truth spoken in love. The book examines common cultural belief systems such as self-helpism, postmodernism, and progressive Christianity and shows us how to (1) recognize the lies, (2) offer discernment, (3) argue for a healthier approach, and (4) reinforce the truth.
This Enneagram Type Will Especially Love This Book: Fives, Sixes, Eights
Quote to love: “The greatest protection we can give our kids is to equip them to face the cultural lies head-on while remaining gracious, loving, and winsome.”
Triggers by Amber Lia and Wendy Speake
What it’s about: This book “examines common parenting issues that cause us to explode inappropriately at our children. Moving beyond simple parenting tips on how to change your child’s behavior, authors Amber Lia and Wendy Speake offer biblical insight and practical tools to equip and encourage you on the journey away from anger-filled reactions toward gentle, biblical responses.”
Is this book for you? Ummm… you’re a mom, right? So you get angry every so often right? Every mom needs this book because every mom has kids who whine, talk back, lie, fight with their siblings or have ADD. Lia and Speake offer biblical guidance and perspective on how to handle any situation that will make your mama-blood boil.
Why you’ll love it: Angry Mom can make her debut at any time, but she doesn’t have to. The authors are real moms with real kids who don’t always do what they should so their counsel is based on real-life experience. Y’all know that I’m a more reactionary parent who struggles with anger so this book has been so helpful in showing me how to respond biblically.
This Enneagram Type Will Especially Love This Book: Eights, Nines, Ones, Threes
Quote to love: “But let’s not focus on the end results and miss the opportunity to be refined alongside of them in the process. Let’s embrace what it means to be Mom as Coach, patiently and lovingly training our kids toward the blessings of obedience.”
The Unworry Book by Alice James
What it’s about: “We all worry. This write-in book is an unworry toolkit, full of things to calm you down and places to put your worries. Activities include creating a worry box, making a mood grid and mindfulness activities such as coloring, doodling, and mazes. Written with the help of a psychologist, there are links to websites for tips, advice, and support too.”
Is this book for you? Well, it’s actually for your kids, but man, is it a helpful resource for mamas who worry and who have children who are anxious as well.
Why you’ll love it: The book is designed to help children understand the science of stress with real-life strategies to help them work through their worries in constructive ways. It’s fun, it’s sweet, and it’s all recommended by a psychologist.
This Enneagram Type Will Especially Love This Book: Twos, Fives, Sixes
Quote to love: “… it’s important to be able to cope with worries so they don’t stop you living your life.”
Are My Kids on Track?
by Sissy Goff, David Thomas, and Melissa Trevathan
What it’s about: “Are My Kids on Track? helps you identify and measure 12 key emotional, social, and spiritual milestones in your children’s lives. Moreover, you will discover practical ways to guide your kids through any stumbling blocks they might encounter and help them reach the appropriate landmarks.”
Is this book for you? I strongly recommend this book to any mom with school-aged kids. If you tend to shy away from traditional parenting books and want to learn about parenting through a gracious lens, this book is for you.
Why you’ll love it: Grace, grace, grace. Oh, and guidance on how to check out the emotional, social, and spiritual health of your child. The authors break down stumbling blocks for boys and girls, and share practical ways to strengthen your child’s inner life.
This Enneagram Type Will Especially Love This Book: Fours, Sevens, Nines
Quote to love: “Help them know how to share their hearts with you and with others. And they need you to share yours, as well.”
Parenting Books to Help Moms Navigate Personalities + Family Culture
The Enneagram of Parenting by Elizabeth Wagele
What it’s about: Wagele “offers the first practical guidebook for parents — packed with her delightful cartoons — on how the Enneagram can help to understand and work with children’s personality traits and behavioral patterns more effectively and creatively. Using her expertise in making the Enneagram accessible through simple text and zany, informative cartoons, Wagele shows parents how to be flexible and compassionate, willing and eager to recognize the unique potential of every child and to respond to and nurture each child appropriately.”
Is this book for you? If you love the Enneagram and want to learn about how to more effectively communicate and love your child, this is an excellent book. Please keep in mind that each individual must discover his own Enneagram type and that personalities aren’t fully “set” until we’re in our mid-20s, meaning just because you think your child is one type doesn’t make it so. This book simply helps you identify patterns of behavior in your children and funnels them through the lens of the Enneagram.
Why you’ll love it: Once you know how your kids are wired, you can meet them where they are! I’ve sorta-kinda-think-maybe discerned the type tendencies of our girls and it’s been so helpful to confront the lies they believe with God’s truth. It also helps to have customized strategies for each child.
This Enneagram Type Will Especially Love This Book: Threes, Fives, Sixes
Quote to love: “By learning to perceive others more accurately, we will see doors open to greater compassion and acceptance.”
30 Ways in 30 Days to Save Your Family by Rebecca Hagelin
What it’s about: “Author Rebecca Hagelin lays out 30 simple and concrete actions that parents can implement – one day at a time – to reconnect with their children and restore peace in their home. As a mother of three, a syndicated columnist, and a specialist on family, culture, and media issues, Rebecca understands the frustration parents feel. She designed this book with working parents and busy families in mind. Moms and dads can read a chapter at soccer practice or while waiting in carpool and come away with practical solutions to common parenting problems that can easily be put to use.”
Is this book for you? Your family doesn’t need “saving” in order to benefit from this book because I’m guessing you’re already doing a pretty good job. (You’re reading a post about parenting, right?!?!) However, this book seems particularly geared for moms who love a clear strategy, focused to-do’s, and a plan of attack.
Why you’ll love it: Not sure how to have a meaningful conversation with your child? Ready to show your child how to be a good steward? Ever doubt your motherly instincts? Get this book in your hands and implement one small suggestion each day.
This Enneagram Type Will Especially Love This Book: Ones, Threes, Eights
Quote to love: “Teaching your children they have value in God’s eyes is the single greatest thing you can do for your kids.”
The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell
What it’s about: “You know you love your child. But how can you make sure your child knows it? Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Ross Campbell help you discover your child’s love language, assist your child in successful learning, use the love languages to correct and discipline more effectively, and build a foundation of unconditional love for your child.”
Is this book for you? Of course! You want your children to know, really know, how loved they are by you! Instead of loving them how you receive love, figure out his love language and shower him with love. I’ve determined our girls’ love languages and it’s been so helpful to show them love in the way they receive it!
Why you’ll love it: It’s a quick read and full of great ways to determine the love language of your child. Loving your daughter the way she receives love will only strengthen your connection and build bonds you’ll need and want in the future.
This Enneagram Type Will Especially Love This Book: Nines, Ones, Twos, Fives
You could win one of these parenting books by commenting below by Friday, 9/27/19 by 9 p.m. CST just by telling me which one of these books you’d most like to read! One winner will be notified via email.
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What a great list! Love that I can Pin it!
I feel I must read Talk right away, especially having a new middle schooler. Thank you for the recommendations!
Holly, Talk is sooooo good! (And personally given me so much confidence!) You’re entered to win the book give-away. I’ll email the lucky winner of one of these books on Friday, 9/27/19 by 9 p.m. CST. -jill
I’ll definitely be saving this list for later! I think the first I’ll read will be The Five Love Languages for Children followed by Are my Kids on Track or Talk, which has been on my list for a while.
Nina, all three are so good and practical! You’ve entered the book give-away. I’ll email the lucky winner of one of these books on Friday, 9/27/19 by 9 p.m. CST. -jill
The Parenting Backpack 🙂
Monet, YES! So good! You’ve entered the book give-away. I’ll email the lucky winner of one of these books on Friday, 9/27/19 by 9 p.m. CST. -jill
I have a few of these, but will be adding the rest to my “must read” list. Would love the Mama Bear and Parent Backpack- they are 1st on my list! Thanks so much for sharing!!
Melissa, you would LOVE both of those books! You’ve entered the book give-away. I’ll email the lucky winner of one of these books on Friday, 9/27/19 by 9 p.m. CST. -jill
Wow! And I thought I had read a lot of parenting books but this is a whole new list to explore. So many great titles but if I had to choose one… Mama Bear… even though I’m a solid type one and this was not specifically recommend for ones. All of them sound worthy on my reading list! Thanks for sharing.
Rachel, all types will love all these books and Mama Bear Apologetics is so good and helpful! You’ve entered the book give-away. I’ll email the lucky winner of one of these books on Friday, 9/27/19 by 9 p.m. CST. -jill
I need to read a few of these, but right now the book Triggers would serve me well. I’ve gotten to a point I’ve realized I really need to work on the way I am responding to my children in frustrating, repetitive moments.
Trish, you are not alone! Triggers is a truly helpful book. (I think I underlined 85% of it!) You’ve entered the book give-away. I’ll email the lucky winner of one of these books on Friday, 9/27/19 by 9 p.m. CST. -jill
Thank you for this list Jill. It would be great if I won the Triggers book. Having 3 kids under the age of 3 has been stretching me and having this book would help me stay more calm each and every day.
Naomi- Three kids under three is so hard. You’re doing a good job and Jesus is always with you. Triggers is a great book. You’ve entered the book give-away. I’ll email the lucky winner of one of these books on Friday, 9/27/19 by 9 p.m. CST. -jill
I would love to read “Little Girls Can be Mean”. My daughter is a third grader and I will also be leading her Girl Scout troop. So I need all the help I can get!
Jen, whether you win this book or not, get “Little Girls Can Be Mean.” It will be so helpful as you lead young women and model kindness to them! You’ve entered the book give-away. I’ll email the lucky winner of one of these books on Friday, 9/27/19 by 9 p.m. CST. -jill
Great list. But noticed not many books for enneagram 2. I am hoping it’s because we don’t need so many. LOL. Love the 5 love languages book. It really helped me understand my kids and mate.
Theresa, Enneagram Twos are sooooo great! (And remember, that note was just based on my opinion. ALL these books are so good for every type.0 You’re entered the book give-away. I’ll email the lucky winner of one of these books on Friday, 9/27/19 by 9 p.m. CST. -jill
I see a few that jump out, but I would start with Triggers. Angry mom visits my house and it makes me, and probably everyone else, crazy for sure!
Mandy, yes, Angry Mom visits many houses, doesn’t she?!?! You’re entered the book give-away. I’ll email the lucky winner of one of these books on Friday, 9/27/19 by 9 p.m. CST. -jill
I’d read “The Enneagram of Parenting” first because it’s a topic I’ve been curious about lately!
Dana, it’s a good one! Excellent choice! You’re entered the book give-away. I’ll email the lucky winner of one of these books on Friday, 9/27/19 by 9 p.m. CST. -jill
Talk is the book I would like to win! I stopped reading parenting books for the longest time because of how inadequate they made me feel! It took awhile to realize that I could take what I wanted from it and throw away the rest.
Kelly, I’m right there with you on the feeling inadequate about the parenting books. Blergh. BUT– you’re so right: we can take what we want and ignore the rest. You’re entered the book give-away. I’ll email the lucky winner of one of these books on Friday, 9/27/19 by 9 p.m. CST. -jill
These all look like great books!! I think I could definitely benefit from Triggers…need to learn to calm myself before I expect the kids to get calm.
Thank you for all you do. Been blessed to hear your speak and feel so refreshed after .
Preach Liz, preach! Thank you for your kind words about hearing me speak. Talking to mamas is one of my favorite things! You’re entered the book give-away. I’ll email the lucky winner of one of these books on Friday, 9/27/19 by 9 p.m. CST. -jill
These are great suggestions! Thank you!!
Kelly, there are so many God-centered parenting books out there! You’re entered the book give-away. I’ll email the lucky winner of one of these books on Friday, 9/27/19 by 9 p.m. CST. -jill
I’m definitely interested in Mama Bear Apologetics and Are My Kids On Track? Our 7-year-old daughter has lots of complex questions concerning our faith and her own. She is a deep thinker who seeks to understand every aspect of something, rather than accepting it at face value or because it’s what Mommy and Daddy believe. Perhaps one or both of these books could provide some useful tools to assist us in helping her navigate her own path to salvation.
Jennifer, oh sister! Our two girls are just like your sweet girl: asking lots of questions and not taking information at face value. Asking questions is such a good skill and one we want to encourage! Both of those books are great! (May I also suggest “The Case for Christ for Kids”? Really great resource in our library!) You’re entered the book give-away. I’ll email the lucky winner of one of these books on Friday, 9/27/19 by 9 p.m. CST. -jill
Thank you for being such an avid reader and for sharing all the wisdom you have gleaned!! You are a blessing!
Holly, thank you and you are a blessing too sweet friend! You’re entered the book give-away. I’ll email the lucky winner of one of these books on Friday, 9/27/19 by 9 p.m. CST. -jill
‘Talk’ definitely sounds like a book I need to read. Thank you for the great suggestions!
Summer, TALK is soooooo insanely good. It’s firm, reassuring, and strategically practical. I feel so much more peace parenting in this digital age because of this book. -jill
These books look great! I’m a mom of 5 (2 grown and flown, 1 in heaven and twin teenage boys), and I’m also a blessed Nana to 2 and one on the way, so I’m planning to share this list with them as well. Thank you!
Mary Beth – thank you for sharing! What a sweet family you have — raised by a sweet mama! You’re entered the book give-away. I’ll email the lucky winner of one of these books on Friday, 9/27/19 by 9 p.m. CST. -jill
Jill, What an excellent post!! You bring so much VALUE! Thank you!
I’m curious, what enneagram type are you?! I’m a one 🙂
Christine, I’m so glad that the piece was of value to you! I’m a Three, and Ones are awesome! -j