We’re talking about Jesus, our tiredness, and His With-Ness. At the end, I offer up a simple prayer. 

It’s the end of 2020 — if you’re listening to this in real-time — and you are tired. Today’s episode meets you right where you are, and is a shot of grace straight to your heart. 

There are no steps. No points or principles that all start with the same alliterative letter. Nope. Just you. Just Jesus. Because isn’t that what you need right now more than any other thing? So if you are tired for any reason and just want to sit down on the inside, listen in. 

A prayer for the woman tired at the end of the year (or really any time!)

Dear God,

You see me (Genesis 16:13). You see me when the alarm goes off and I roll over, irritated and tired. You see the desires of my heart and you hear my sighing. (Psalm 38:9) You see me, and You are so very, very, very happy You made me (Psalm 18:19).

You are patient, gentle, and kind with my heart, so on the days I feel like there is too much to do and not enough time to do it, I can come to You (1 Corinthians 13).

You never bully me into doing more or trying harder or making me feel guilty. In fact, You came to set me free from anything that entangles me or wants to control me (Hebrews 13:1).

You never condemn me. You came to save me, and sometimes I need to be saved from myself, and the overwhelm and guilt and worry I carry (John 3:17).

You are never disappointed in me even when I am disappointed in myself for messing up or saying the wrong thing or forgetting something. My sin and mistakes don’t scare You or push You away (2 Corinthians 5).

You will never accuse me of not doing enough, that is the work of my enemy — not my Good Shepherd (Revelation 12:10).

Today, I will…

Today, I will not beat myself up for not being able to do All The Things or execute life perfectly, because I am a human who needs a Helper. Jesus came to be God With Me, Immanuel (Matthew 1:23).

I was created for a daily relationship with the God of the Universe, where You walk with me to guide me and help me and answer my questions because You know I have no idea what I’m doing (Psalm 23).

I will breathe deeply and take in the truth that You are here, holding it all together. (Colossians 1:17)You are the One in whom, by whom, and for whom, all things hold together. I am too finite. Too human. Too little for that.

So I will enjoy my littleness.

I will enjoy that I can put my hand in Yours any time (Isaiah 41:13). I will enjoy that my Big Father God has got all this under control, leaving me free to play, rest, work, think, and enjoy the gifts and responsibilities You’ve given me (Revelation 1:17). 

So when I am…

So when I am weary and worried and irritated and wonder if you’re the only one who cares, will you shower me with grace upon grace (John 1:16)? For the entire universe is at Your disposal and You give me everything I need (Psalm 50:7-15).

When I don’t know where to start or what to do next, I will bring You what I have. Will You break it, multiply it, and hand it back to me (Matthew 14:13-21)?

When I feel worn out and wish someone else could handle All The questions and frustrations of disappointed family members or co-workers, will you take me under your wing? (Psalm 17:8) I will feel safe and warm under Your protection. 

When I feel overwhelmed by leading and believe that I have to know all the answers and always be brave and that I’m not allowed to fall apart, will you take my hand, sit me on Your lap, give me the permission to let go of all I hold inside then comfort me as the compassionate God of all comfort?

When I need a hug and reassurance that I am doing a good job, will you remind me of Your first thought about me? You thought, “It is very good” (Genesis 1:31).  

And when I do not feel this to be true, may I boldly approach the throne of grace with all the confidence in the world so I can receive mercy and find grace when I’m just worn out. (Hebrews 4:16)

You love me so. And if — and when — I ever doubt that I will look to the cradle and the cross, because You couldn’t say it any louder.


Key Quotes

  • On the days I feel like there is too much to do and not enough time to do it, I can come to God.
  • God came to save me, and sometimes I need to be saved from myself, and the overwhelm and guilt and worry I carry.
  • Today, I will not beat myself up for not being able to do All The Things or execute life perfectly, because I am a human who needs a Helper. 
  • I will enjoy my littleness.
  • When I feel overwhelmed by leading and believe that I have to know all the answers and always be brave and that I’m not allowed to fall apart, will you take my hand, sit me on Your lap, give me the permission to let go of all I hold inside then comfort me as the compassionate God of all comfort?


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tired, end of the year, grace, podcasttired, end of the year, grace, podcasttired, end of the year, grace, podcast