No matter your Enneagram type or political affiliation or age, you are struggling with this election. Over and over statements like this jumped out in my research and preparation:

  • “The level of polarization is so high”
  • “I’m staying off social media”
  • “There’s no debate or discussion; only attacks.”
  • “If you don’t agree with someone, they demonize you.” 

Politics is about people. And people are made in the image of God. We feel so wonky about this election because we see people destroy each other to score points for their party, and we watch as civil neighbors and friends dehumanize the opposing side. 

But let’s dive into the grace your type is specifically wired to bring to the table this election year. Can we start calling this “grace-to-table”? Okay, let’s dig in!

In this episode, we’ll dive into:

  • What each type relishes and despises about presidential election years
  • Why you feel that way
  • How you’re dealing with the election season
  • And the grace you bring to the table, grace our world desperately needs right now.

Here’s a time listing if you want to skip to a particular type:

  • Type Eight: 3:20 mark
  • Type Nine: 7:20 mark
  • Type One: 10:50 mark
  • Type Two: 15:00 mark
  • Type Three: 19:00 mark
  • Type Four: 22:30 mark
  • Type Five: 26:00 mark
  • Type Six: 29:15 mark
  • Type Seven: 32:40 mark

enneagramYou can also grab this free resource about what the Enneagram is, what it isn’t, and what you want to know about your personality type. Your Quick Start Guide to the Enneagram walks you through how to determine your type, what’s up with wings, and Enneagram resources you’ll want to check out.

Please know that I’m not an Enneagram expert, merely a lover of it. What I present to you is based on my own research, feedback from men and women of each type, and peer review. If you learn better through audio, take a listen to this Grace In Real Life podcast episode

enneagram, type 8, the challenger

Our world needs your passionate self at work. Others may be fearful to speak out for all kinds of reasons, but your desire to advocate for others was given to you for such a time as this. 

When you look at politics through the lens of the gospel and you remember that only God brings justice and can judge, you are a fearless advocate, and one who speaks out, and steps in when God calls your number. 

Graciously reviewed by Celia Miller.

enneagram, type 9, the peacemaker

Nines, we need your empathy and your ability to see every side of every issue at the table this year. Others may be so entrenched in their viewpoints that they can’t see the other side’s points, but you can. We need you. We need you in politics. We need you involved in your communities. We need you speaking out at School Board and City Council meetings. We need you to raise kids who can see all different perspectives, even when we don’t agree or believe the other side is wrong.

Graciously reviewed by Nina Stewart.

enneagram, type 1, the improver

So Ones, this year bring your grace to the table by putting your passionate improver-self in action. 

Continue to get involved. 

Continue to push us to do better and be better. Continue to elevate the conversation. 

Keep improving your community, your school, your city, your state, and ultimately our nation. We need you involved. 

Graciously reviewed by Rebekah Fedrowitz.

enneagram, type 2, the helper

Twos, bring your grace to the table by keeping on keeping on. You are already out there doing it: loving others, building others up, connecting with others, empathizing with others. 

Don’t let this political climate stop you from doing that. 

Because you are an excellent conversationalist, bring that to the table and start conversations with people of differing political views and party affiliations. Get curious with others in a private and small group to learn more

And continue to affirm the humanity of others. We lack that, so keep at it. 

Graciously reviewed by Elizabeth Hamm.

enneagram, type 3, the achiever

Threes, you are designed to be do-ers, so do. 

Do in your community. 

Do at the local level. 

Don’t worry about what’s important to anyone else. Focus on the issues, causes, and candidates important to you and put all that competency and multi-tasking ability to good use by serving others. 

Our world needs you to not only think about what’s important to you or to speak about it, but to do something. Threes can get more done than anybody else, so ask God what He would have you do this presidential election year. 

Graciously reviewed by Rebecca Peet

enneagram, type 4, the individualist

Fours, we need your ability to sit with heavy emotions in this season. Our world is hurting. Injustice reigns. Ego rules. Vitriol dominates. 

Sit with those who are hurting. Make space for those who need to be heard. Give people the opportunity to share their stories and experiences. People need to be heard and you are the safest place for those struggling right now. 

Graciously reviewed by Sarah E. Westfall

enneagram, type 5, the investigator

Fives, you can process information objectively because you can tease out the emotions from the facts, making you extremely level-headed. 

Doesn’t our world need more of you in it? 

Don’t we need your mind to solve big problems? Don’t we need your clear action plans? 

Don’t we need you to study, research, and devise a strategy that is thoughtful and full of hope? 

We need your grace at the table. We need you to bring us back to center and to Jesus Christ. 

Graciously reviewed by Amy Liddell.

enneagram, type 6, the loyalist

Sixes, I’m going to quote Winnie the Pooh to you because Winnie the Pooh speaks truth! “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” Your gifts of critically thinking, working through a problem, and your trustworthiness are crucial to our country right now.

You have an enormous capacity to serve others. There is no need to doubt yourself. You know what your family, community, and state need. Bring your whole self so we have more grace at the table.

Graciously reviewed by Dr. Camden Morgante.

enneagram, type 7, the enthusiast

Sevens, you genuinely love people. You recognize that we are all made in the image of God, and you care about your neighbor. 

Bring that energy, passion, and charm to the table. There is grace in your spirit, joy, and hope that you can offer as you shine your light so God gets the glory.

God has pre-planned good works for you to do. Bring your abundant energy and abounding optimism to the table, so others can catch your joy and hope! 

Graciously reviewed by Melissa Rushing. 

What to do now

Friends, no matter how you’re experiencing and navigating this election season, remember that your God is good, and He sees you and loves you.

If you’re handling this time in an unhealthy way, ask God to show you what to change. Ask Him what He wants you to do or say this time of year. Don’t step out without Him!

I don’t know what will happen in November and you don’t either. But we do know that our God is good, and He puts authority in power, and that all of us have a part to play.

This is our country — of the people, by the people, for the people. We are bound together in our unity as citizens not only of America but citizens of heaven. This is not our final home. This is not all we’ve got. Jesus has prepared a place for us. 

We are God’s daughters, a holy nation, and a royal priesthood with an eternal place to call home. 

No matter where we live, who we vote for, or who takes the oath of office in January 2021, our identity and security lie in Christ alone. This is not a cop-out. This is the most real reality we will ever know. 

Key Quotes

  • No matter where we live, who we vote for, or who takes the oath of office in January 2021, our identity and security lie in Christ alone.

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