Our kids need prayer at the start of every school year. But this year, the need to pray feels a bit more urgent. We love our kids and know how worried, excited, nervous, and ready they are. So what we can do is pray. And while we’re praying for our children today, please remember to lift up teachers, administrators, and school leaders.

In this episode, we pray for freedom for our children in three areas:

  • Freedom from fear
  • Freedom to be who God created our children to be
  • And freedom to grow in their faith

Dear God, we ask that you grant our children freedom from fear.

God, it seems like there is so much for our kids to fear these days. Deliver our children from any anxiety, when everything seems to be telling us to freak out. You gave us a sound mind so we cling to that truth. 

If or when fear rises up, we ask that Your presence envelopes our child in a tangible, unmistakable, personal way. May they know that You are always with them and Your perfect love casts out fear. 

Will you bless our kids with confidence this year? That they would be leaders of quiet calm as everything swirls around them.  And that they would be an example of trust and faith. May they be so sure of Your power and plans for them, that they have absolutely zero reasons to fear.

Next God, we ask for freedom for our kids to be who You created them to be.

God, You lovingly designed and knit together each child. You equipped them with just the right personality, the right interests, the right temperament, and just the right gifts to do what You created them to do.

We pray that they shine as girls and boys who are fearfully and wonderfully made. We ask that you bless their gifts and talents and personality. We want their talents to bloom in Your light. May our children grow in stature and favor in your sight and the sight of others.

We ask that this year, our kids discover the gifts and talents You lavished upon them so they can serve and love others and glorify You in ways that fill them up and make them come alive. Surround them with people, friends, and teachers who can see their talents and point them out. Help us as we parent to be quick to see what their gifts are and to nurture them. You’ll grow and develop our kids in Your perfect timing. Do not let us rush them.

Finally God, we ask that they grow in their faith.

God, you desire that each and every person You created develops a vibrant and personal relationship with you. So if our child doesn’t know You as their Lord and Savior, we pray for his salvation now. 

For those who do know You as their Redeemer and Friend, will you grow that relationship this year? Will you give them opportunities to deepen their trust in You? 

Will you make our children fruitful because they long to know you? Put in them a desire to spend time each day praying and reading Your word. This may sound far-fetched or too big or too ridiculous in a culture like ours. 

But big jobs are light work for You. 

You are a good Father who loves to give good gifts to your children and to give us far beyond what we could ever ask or imagine. 

We boldly approach your throne of grace and ask for blessings for our girls and boys. 

Bless them. Keep them. May Your face shine upon them. 

All day. Every day. 

When they sit and when they rise. When they come and when they go. When they study and when they learn, lavish them with peace, hope, joy, patience, kindness, and strength. 

You promise us your presence and we take you up on that. Give us the grace to begin. 


Key Quotes

  • Big jobs are light work for God.
  • Surround them with people, friends, and teachers who can see their talents and point them out.
  • When our kids study, lavish them with peace, hope, joy, patience, kindness, and strength. 

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back to school, prayer

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