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How to connect with your teenager

how to connect with your teenage daughter GRAPHIC

INSIDE: How to connect with your teenage daughter is a question many moms ask. How can you connect with your daughter when you’re mostly experiencing eye rolls? Read on! The time we have left with our girls before they graduate high school is dwindling like sands through the hour glass (Can you name the soap […]

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#166: Grace in Parenting: Parenting teens with anxiety with Dr. Chinwé Williams

teens and anxiety

INSIDE: Parenting teens with anxiety is one tough assignment. How can you tell the difference between anxiety and worry? Listen in to Episode 166 with Dr. Chinwé Williams as we talk about grace-based parenting for moms raising teens suffering from anxiety. Anxiety, worry, stress, learning what you like, what you don’t, and what you believe […]

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#161: Grace in Parenting: Practical strategies for the overwhelmed mom with Crystal Paine

overwhelmed mom graphic

INSIDE: Are you an overwhelmed mom? Are you struggling with a long to-do list? What are practical strategies + anchoring truths when you feel exhausted? Listen in for grace-based parenting help.  As a mom, you juggle so much: the family calendar, the emotional needs of your people, caring for yourself, running a household, and working. […]

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