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When I talk about grace

Another Achiever Goes Rogue: An interview with author Cheri Gregory

Another Achiever is Going Rogue! Here’s the story of Cheri Gregory, one of my favorite podcasters who also happens to be a teacher, speaker, author, and Certified Personality Trainer. There are so many things to love about Cheri: her passion to help women break free from destructive expectations, her writing style, and y’all, her voice is […]

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Why WWII makes me think of Easter

Would it be worth it? Would the 528 steps up to the dome live up to the promise of an incredible view? Ryan and I bent down for the low overhang and trekked up the 300-year old narrow steps to the top of St. Paul’s Cathedral. During World War II, this cross-shaped church was a […]

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How self-compassion actually strengthens relationships

The phrase “self-compassion” sounds so, so, so… self-indulgent. My grandparents survived the Dust Bowl during the Great Depression, so genetically, I’m predisposed to hard work and productivity. My Protestant work ethic, which emphasizes industriousness and discipline, has me believing that self-compassion is a code word for laziness and navel-gazing. Blech. But here’s the deal: compassion […]

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Another Achiever Goes Rogue: An interview with author Katie Orr

Another Achiever is Going Rogue! Here’s the story of author Katie Orr, who is the creator of the five FOCUSed15 Bible study method books. Here’s what I love about Katie: she’s passionate about equipping busy women to experience God daily. She’s a mom of three, wife of pastor-husband Chris, teacher, speaker, podcaster and writer for […]

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How to shut up your inner critic

It started before my feet even hit the floor. I hit snooze on my alarm and knew my quiet time would be cut short. My brain whispered to my heart: I bet your friends got up early this morning, but look at you… the slacker. I truly believed I was letting Jesus down by sleeping […]

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For the overwhelmed party planner

This is a prayer for all of us who will invite others into our homes during the holiday season. We will prepare meals, answer the door when the bell rings, and scramble with extra responsibilities. And though we have generous hearts, we remember that we have finite hours. This prayer is for the party planner. […]

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