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When I talk about grace

#168: Grace is: Receiving grace through forgiveness and healing with Jennifer Barnett

forgiveness and healing featured image

INSIDE: Receiving grace comes through forgiveness and healing. It’s possible to forgive someone who hurt you and to forgive yourself. Listen to learn about biblical forgiveness.  What is forgiveness, really? Is it something more than feeling like we should apologize? Is it more than just saying we forgive someone who hurt us even when we […]

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#155: Showing grace

showing grace main image

INSIDE: How do you go about showing grace? Learn the four powerful steps of forgiveness, three ways to practically show people grace in your real life, and 10 simple ways to lead with humility in Episode 155. People frustrate us, right? We bump up against each other’s sharp edges when we live, work, and play […]

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#154: How to receive God’s grace

How to receive God's grace

INSIDE: Learn how to receive God’s grace, three reasons you might reject, and three phrases to put on repeat to live a grace-filled life. Listen in to Episode 154. God’s grace is for the perfectionists, the ones who feel like they don’t belong, the ones who hate being vulnerable, and the ones who find their […]

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#153: What does God’s grace mean?

Jonah, what is grace, graphic

INSIDE: What does God’s grace mean? Learn what grace is, why we reject God’s grace, how our faulty views of God impact our hearts, and how to receive grace in a storm.  What does God’s grace mean? Many of us feel today like we have been blindsided by a life we thought was going well; […]

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