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Grace says you are free

grace, freedom, free

You should know I had a perm in the early 1980s. You should also know my mom was sick on first-grade picture day. And yes, these two realities collided. With no idea what to do with me, my dad sent me to school in a navy blue sweatshirt, purple corduroy jeans, and a brushed-out perm. […]

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A try-hard girl gives common-sense grace: Rebekah Lyons

Here’s a try-hard girl sharing some common-sense grace! I knew that Rebekah was a kindred spirit when I read her book You Are Free. Here’s what caught my attention: “I’ve run the hamster wheel of achievement and acceptance; a headstrong, Type-A control freak, looking for love.” Religion, responsibility, popularity, approval and achievement reigned in her […]

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How your personality type impacts how you set goals

personality, enneagram, goals, goal-setting

While training for a half-marathon several years ago, nothing—neither hell nor high water—could prevent me from accomplishing my goal. I ran at 5 a.m. in below-freezing temperatures. I ran when my health was not great. I ran when my feet ached and screamed, “Please don’t make us put on those shoes!” For me, goal-achievement reigns […]

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The sentence my friend said over lunch that totally rocked my world

Over the salty, umami goodness of Mediterranean food, my friend Melissa and I talk about life, kids, and work. She’s an entrepreneur who’s working hard to build a successful business. And then, somewhere in the middle of our conversation, Melissa said the most interesting thing… “I’m learning that it doesn’t have to look a certain way.” […]

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Three mistakes you’re making this holiday season

Take a minute to imagine this with me… You have two kids, and you want to make their Christmas magical. You hatch the best plan, 25 days of Christmas, that includes an activity, craft, or treat each day. You’re excited to create Christmas traditions and make memories. In walks reality. A few days in, your […]

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