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Three fears every mom has

fear, love, parenthood, parenting, mama fears

Before I became a mom, I saw motherhood as a role filled with joy, love, and hope with a sprinkle of frustration and frazzle. These emotions have certainly proven true. Yet there’s one emotion I didn’t imagine feeling, or at least feeling as often as I do these days. I never envisioned experiencing fear. You […]

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Why failure is not an option for the try-hard girl {Fear Series}

failure, inner critic, expectations

Gene Krantz, flight director for the Apollo 13* mission, tells his team that failure is not an option: they must bring home the three astronauts catapulting through space in a handicapped module. Thank goodness they didn’t fail, and all astronauts came back to earth safely. Although my circumstances aren’t so life-or-death, I’ve adopted Krantz’s motto […]

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