Become most fully yourself, try-hard girl! Grab your free Enneagram ebook YES, PLEASE!

God’s grace-based way to quit doing more, living legalistically, and telling yourself to get it together

doing more, trying harder, living legalistically, rule-following, get it together

As a new wife, I wanted to make an edible dinner for two. So like any normal person, I started honing my cooking skills with a French onion soup recipe. How hard could soup be– don’t you just pour things from cans into a pot? The recipe wasn’t complicated, but I didn’t have the ingredients […]

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You don’t have to do it perfectly + other truths when you start something new

perfection, perfectionism, too late, too messed up, truth

The new year brings new inspiration, and I get super excited about trying new things: I want to diversify my work-ous, leave behind the sarcasm and pick up more laughter, develop new products for my online store, and dive deeper into understanding the Enneagram. That’s when the lies start bouncing around in my head. Your […]

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