We’re kicking off the new year with a new series on the spiritual disciplines. My prayer for us is that through the Spiritual Health series we would grow in spiritual health. 

That the habits you either establish or continue would bring hope and joy and peace and freedom. 

That this year, you’ll continue to be transformed more and more in the image of Christ by these practices that shape who you are becoming. 

In this interview, writer Amber Palmer shares with us:

  • one easy step to take when you don’t have time to read the Bible
  • what to do when you feel like you’re not getting anything out of reading the Bible – like maybe complacency has set in,
  • and what to do with the parts of the Bible we don’t understand or agree with.

Amber reminds us that God just wants to do life with us, that He doesn’t require stillness or silence. You’ll leave encouraged to ask God those hard questions, and you’ll know how you can transfer studying the Bible so it doesn’t just stay as head knowledge but as Someone you experience.

Key Quotes

  • God is not waiting for me to get quiet to be with me. He’s always with me. – Amber Palmer
  • Your relationship with God is unique + not by the book. – Amber Palmer
  • Throw those expectations out the window. – Amber Palmer
  • God wants to be in your day with you. He’s not just in the quiet. He’s in the messy and the hard. – Amber Palmer
  • God is in there with you. Even though you don’t feel like you were with Him. He is with you always. – Amber Palmer
  • Not everything in the Bible is going to make sense to us. If it did, would God be as powerful and mighty as He is? – Amber Palmer

Mentioned in the Podcast

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About Amber Palmer

Amber is a wife of 14 years and an easily overwhelmed mom of two kids. 

She has a big heart for encouraging moms and helping them keep their eyes locked on Jesus. Through her writing, Amber hopes to glorify Jesus in the broken pieces and beautiful moments of motherhood.

Here’s how to connect with Amber

Here’s how to connect with Jill

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spiritual health, spiritual disciplines, amber palmer, bible, reading the bible spiritual health, spiritual disciplines, amber palmer, bible, reading the bible spiritual health, spiritual disciplines, amber palmer, bible, reading the biblespiritual disciplines, read the Bible, Amber Palmer