INSIDE: How do we exercise our faith? What does it look like to have embodied faith? What does living out our faith look like in real life? Listen in. 

In today’s Advent episode, we take a look at Mary’s faith journey. 

How do we exercise our faith?

Faith starts in the mind with knowledge about God, facts about His character and understanding who He is and what He can do.

Then faith moves into consent: We intellectually agree with the facts we know and the reality we understand, and then consent takes root in the soil of our hearts. Finally, faith takes the form of commitment, of application, of action, of obedience.

Faith is always fruitful, and faith will not be quiet. For Mary, her faith produced the fruit of a firstborn Son. Her faith could not be quiet as she screamed in the night at the delivery of her Son. 

Living out our faith in real life

And so it is to be with our faith: Our faith starts with knowledge of the truth, moves to consent to that truth, which culminates in the production of good fruit.  

Is our faith producing in us love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control? Is our faith bursting with the joy of telling others because to stay silent about who God is and what He has done is unfathomable?

You see, our faith remains academic and stuck in consent if it is not embodied. Our beliefs lead, and our bodies follow. Whatever we believe in our minds, our bodies will do.

Putting our faith into action

True faith is always embodied. It starts with awareness. It moves to adoption. It culminates in application.

Friends, hear me now: Salvation does not come through works. There is nothing you need to do or be or become to be loved or rescued from sin’s penalty. Not one embodied action on your part will save you or earn you a spot in heaven. Only belief in Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life brings eternal life. 

AND ALSO, when we love the Lord, we are compelled to act, not because we are obligated but because we are so loved. Obedience is the only natural response to God’s love for us. Loving others and serving them draws us like a magnet. 

Exercising our faith means obeying the Lord

Faith comes by hearing. Just as Mary heard the words of Gabriel. Faith grows when we consent. Just as Mary agreed and consented that all the angel said to her would be fulfilled. Faith impacts the world when we put it into action. Just as Mary gave birth to a baby who would become the Savior of the world. 

Faith starts in the mind but always ends with the hands and feet. 

How do we exercise our faith? Quotes

  • “Faith is always fruitful, and faith will not be quiet.” – Jill E. McCormick
  • Our faith remains academic and stuck in consent if it is not embodied.” – Jill E. McCormick
  • Our beliefs lead, and our bodies follow. ” – Jill E. McCormick
  • Whatever we believe in our minds, our bodies will do.– Jill E. McCormick
  • Faith starts in the mind but always ends with the hands and feet. ” – Jill E. McCormick

As Mentioned in the Podcast

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