INSIDE: How happy is your marriage? How can you have a happier marriage? Listen to Arlene Pellicane as she shares how to be a happier wife.

You’re listening to this episode because you want a happier marriage. Your marriage may be super happy and full of joy, and you want to increase it. Or, your marriage may feel like it’s on its last breath, and you are so ready for Jesus to breathe laughter and smiling and hope back into your relationship.

You and Jesus and your spouse know where you are in your marriage. And here’s what I know: I know that God’s heart for your marriage is for it to be a reflection of how Christ loves the church.

As children of God, our inheritance includes peace, hope, joy, and life. Not just for when you get to heaven, but for right now, in your real life. 

God wants these gifts for you as an individual and also for marriage. So, how do we tap into these God-given gifts? What do we do if we are more interested in investing in our marriage than our husbands? How can we become happier wives with happier husbands?

I can think of no one better to speak about becoming happier in marriage than today’s guest, Arlene Pellicane.

In today’s episode, you’ll receive practical strategies and anchoring truths for offering grace in your marriage by learning how to have a happier marriage. You’ll learn:

  • How to determine if you have a happy marriage,
  • One way to become a happier wife TODAY,
  • And what to do when you want to improve your marriage but your husband has checked out.

Seven questions to figure out how happy your marriage is

  1. Does your marriage bring more comfort than conflict?
  2. Do you consider your spouse your best friend?
  3. When trouble comes, can you count on your spouse?
  4. Do you laugh together?
  5. Do you go on date nights?
  6. Do you spend regular time connecting?
  7. Are you better together than apart?

How to have a D.R.E.A.M. marriage

  1. Domestic Tranquility: Create your home as a haven to come to. 
  2. Respect: Respect your spouse as a human.
  3. Eros: Stoke the fires of romantic love.
  4. Attraction: Be attractive to one another through kind action.
  5. Mutual Activity: Do fun things together.

One way to have a happier marriage

Put your hope in the Lord, and don’t wait for your husband to make you happy.

When you want a happier marriage, but your spouse has checked out

  1. Don’t give up.
  2. Use precise language.
  3. Make your ask very doable and repeatable.
  4. Celebrate small wins.

Quotes about how to have a happier marriage

  • “So much of being happy is saying, ‘I’m going to choose to be happy. I’m going to choose to bring happiness into this marriage. I’m going to choose to put my hope in God.’ Those choices really make a huge difference.” – Arlene Pellicane
  • “Keep pursuing your spouse.” – Arlene Pellicane
  • “Have grace to say, ‘I’ve never been in this spot before in my marriage, so I’m new at this, and I’m learning.’” – Arlene Pellicane

Mentioned in the podcast for how to have a happier marriage

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Here’s how to connect with Arlene Pellicane

Here’s how to connect with Jill

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