How can we experience more joy in our real lives? Our world seems bent on stressing us out, inducing anxiety, and making us worry.

Kimberly and I talk through

  • What may be blocking your joy,
  • Two lies you may believe about joy,
  • And two easy ways to automatically increase your joy. 

Key Quotes

  • “When I’m looking up, that’s when I experience God’s joy.” – Speaker Kimberly Davis
  • “Joy is a natural reaction to spending time with God in His presence.” – Speaker Kimberly Davis
  • “God’s influence on your life is grounded totally in spending time in His presence.” – Speaker Kimberly Davis
  • “We have every right and authority – biblical authority – to have joy because it is ours for the taking.” – Speaker Kimberly Davis
  • “You were bought with a price. You are chosen. And joy is definitely your birthright.”  – Speaker Kimberly Davis
  • “I believe when God says He forgives us, He forgives us.” – Speaker Kimberly Davis
  • “Give yourself that grace: Joy is yours for the taking.” – Speaker Kimberly Davis
  • “When we work to protect ourselves and block ourselves from joy or people or experiences because we’ve been hurt in the past, we end up hurting ourselves even more.” – Speaker Kimberly Davis
  • “When you read the Bible, your life changes for the better.” – Speaker Kimberly Davis
  • “Life be lifen.” – Speaker Kimberly Davis

As Mentioned in the Podcast

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About Kimberly Davis

To help us in today’s conversation, speaker, writer, and host of The Wonderfully Marvelous Life Podcast, Kimberly N. Davis joins the show. While she wears many hats, her love for sharing the gospel with women is paramount. 

Kimberly has served in women’s ministry for over nine years. She reaches a vast audience by speaking at conferences and virtual spaces through podcasting and social media. With guidance from the Holy Spirit, she creates safe places for women to uncover the complexities of who they are in Christ. 

Kimberly is married to Clarence S. Davis, and they have one son. 

Here’s how to connect with Kimberly

Here’s how to connect with Jill

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God, Grace, Emotions, Kimberly Davis, joy, joy quotes, joyful moments, choose joy Grace, Emotions, Kimberly Davis, joy, joy quotes, joyful moments, choose joy God, Grace, Emotions, Kimberly Davis, joy, joy quotes, joyful moments, choose joy Pin: Ep.128.God, Grace, Emotions, Kimberly Davis, joy, joy quotes, joyful moments, choose joy God, Grace, Emotions, Kimberly Davis, joy, joy quotes, joyful moments, choose joy God, Grace, Emotions, Kimberly Davis, joy, joy quotes, joyful moments, choose joy God, Grace, Emotions, Kimberly Davis, joy, joy quotes, joyful moments, choose joyGod, Grace, Emotions, Kimberly Davis, joy, joy quotes, joyful moments, choose joy