You are God’s girl, and you’re pretty amazing!
You know Jesus and desire to wholeheartedly pursue Him. You’re a woman who wants to follow where God leads, to live and love well, to extend grace to yourself and others, but there’s a part of you that’s like how?
You want your faith to intersect with your busy and full life, but you aren’t sure what that looks like in real-time.
I get it. I’ve lived it. And I’m here to point you back to Christ as you grow in your faith. Together, we’ll learn how to practically apply grace to our lives where we are, as we are. I’ll offer encouragement. I’ll remind you of who God is and who you are in Him. I’ll help you discover how God wired you and how to embrace — not compare — the gifts He’s given you.
Are you ready? Of course you are!!
Let’s get to it!

Grace for Your Group
You lead a women’s group and are in need of a speaker. You want someone who will deliver a God-centered, Bible-based, gospel-focused message. I can help.

Gracious Editing
Your heart poured out in little black letters on a page, stares back at you. Handing those pages over for someone to critique feels as scary as leaving your newborn with a babysitter. How in the world could you ever hand them over to someone else to critique? If you have a devotional or manuscript in need of editing, I would love to help cheer you on while editing well.

Grace in Your Earbuds
You love to learn but are busy, busy, busy. If you’re ready for mercifully short, practical podcast about how to apply grace to your real life, tune in to the Grace In Real Life podcast.
Grace knows your name. Grace never asks you to be superhuman. Grace never expects you to be who you are not. Grace is amazing, free, inexhaustible, and ready to come home to your heart.
You want a break from holding it all together.
You want grace in your real life, but it feels hard to come by. You hold a color-coded planner in one hand, a book in the other, and your earbuds are blaring out another podcast. You feel as if you’re doing too much and not enough all at the same time. Doing All The Things makes you so happy, but it’s wearing you out.
I help try-hard girls just like you.
As an Enneagram Type Three who loves work, often puts tasks before people, and relishes checking items off the to-do list, I understand the allure of doing more and trying harder. I also know that as successful as you may feel on the inside, there’s a part of you crying out on the inside. I’ve struggled to be a good mom and wife at home, burned myself out at work, and my heart has paid the price.
You want your faith to intersect with your busy and full life. And I’m here to be your online cheerleader, pointing you back to Jesus and the grace He offers.
Let’s start by grabbing your free Enneagram ebook that dives into how God wired you so you can live in the grace He lavishes on you.
What Women Say About Jill
“Listening to your podcast is like bathing my spirit and soul. It’s a caring and empowering stillness in all the best ways. You invite us to go in peace and do good things…ALWAYS look forward to the next one.”
Becky, podcast listener
“Jill was a fantastic editor. Not only was she prompt and professional, she truly invested herself in my words. I found her edits to be both encouraging but also edifying. We did a lot of communicating back and forth to make sure MY voice was heard – and made it sound even better. Jill was very thorough and amazingly talented! I loved working with Jill and will definitely use her again in the future!”
Sarah Frazer, author
“Not only does Jill speak truth and encouragement, but she connects with each woman in the room and shares with them the hope that can be found in a tender relationship with Christ. Her messages speak to the heart of any woman no matter her age and left our ladies feeling known, understood and equipped. What a privilege it was for us to benefit from her wisdom.”
Angi Wedemeyer, women’s ministry coordinator
“Jill is both a dynamic and engaging speaker. She shared how knowing your Enneagram type can have a positive impact on your friendships. I particularly loved how she used humor to deliver truth in an encouraging way.”
Elizabeth Mahusay, women’s minister
“Jill made the process of getting my first book edited for self-publishing so easy! We set up a Google Doc allowing me to easily accept small edits and changes or to comment back and forth on areas where the book could improve. She pushed me to give real-life examples, found lots of “that”s I could live without, and pointed out areas where a little clarification would help my readers. I’ve already recommended her to others getting started on their author journeys! I told Jill she was my midwife of book birthing — and it’s true! If there’s a second baby in me, she will be my first choice for editor!”
Kennan Buckner, author of Chin Up
“I was afraid I would be laughed at, but Jill disarmed any nerves and combed through the work making it so easy to accept changes and consider new ones. My work went from a very rough draft to polished and ready to present by the time it was done – thank you!”
Jesse Ross, first-time author
“I am so grateful Jill reminds us try-hard girls over and over that we are only enough when we rest in Jesus.”
Jan, podcast listener